Our Go-To Protein Pancake Recipe For 2021 Pancake Day


Our Go-To Protein Pancake Recipe For 2021 Pancake Day, healthy pancake recipes, my protein

Traditionally, pancakes are high in sugar and low in protein with unhealthy topping choices. Fortunately, times have changed and high protein, low in sugar pancakes with mouthwatering healthy toppings are trending!

Here's a few simple ingredients you can add to your pancakes this pancake day, to increase the protein, nutritional value and making them more satisfying.

Now for the good stuff... Here's our go-to protein pancake recipe. For light and fluffylow-fat and low-carb protein pancakes which make a healthy breakfast or snack look no further than our banana and protein pancakes. They taste amazing and fill you up for the day!




  • In a blender mix the egg whites until white and fluffy and empty into a bowl

  • In a blender mix all the rest of the ingredients 

  • Slowly add all the ingredients to the egg whites folding with a spoon

  • Add coconut oil to a sauce pan and pour the mixture to your preferred sized pancakes

  • Fry until bubbles start to appear (60-90 seconds per side)

  • Add toppings & serve! 

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